Packsaddle Elementary School physical education teacher Misti Atkinson won the Locals Love Us award for Best School Coach in the Llano Area. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton
KINGSLAND — When Packsaddle Elementary School physical education teacher Misti Atkinson starts class, she often finds herself looking into the eyes of 50 elementary school students.
Well, they’re not all looking at her.
“There are a lot of distractions, even for P.E.,” she said.
With at least two full regular classes each time Atkinson teaches P.E., she must know a secret or two.
Really, though, it’s just about keeping the kids interested and engaged.
It must be working because The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners selected her as the Best School Coach in the Llano Area in the Locals Love Us awards.
“This means the parents and community must believe I’m taking good care of their kids and helping them,” Atkinson said.
Keeping 50 students at a time engaged in P.E. would turn most people’s hair gray (or send their follicles packing), but Atkinson said it’s really a matter of leading by example. When she introduces an activity or skill to the class, she jumps right in there with them.
“When they see me doing it, being involved with them, that helps them realize physical fitness is something that doesn’t stop when they get out school,” she said. “I think they see that being active is something they should do for life.”
Atkinson has won this honor three years in a row.