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IN THE GARDEN: Summer growing tips inside and outside

A grow light will keep your indoor plants healthy when you close your blinds to block out the summer heat and save on electricity. Photo by Martelle Luedecke

A grow light will keep your indoor plants healthy when you close your blinds to block out the summer heat and save on electricity. Photo by Martelle Luedecke

With the Texas summer heat rising, you might be closing your blinds and curtains to save on electricity and keep your homes cool. But what about the indoor plants that were accustomed to the indirect light from the window? Grow lights!
We’ve switched out some of our lightbulbs to grow lights. It’s working well. You don’t have to choose between cool comfort and healthy houseplants.


Till next time. Keep your souls and soles in your garden!
Remember the True Master Gardener: Jesus said, “I am the vine; my Father is the Gardener.” John 15:1
"In the Garden" is written by father-daughter duo Bill and Martelle Luedecke and Bill Luedecke. Contact Martelle at 512-769-3179 or Contact Bill at 512-577-1463 or

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