Kingsland School fourth-grade teacher Shelli Spruiell dons her princess crown. She was also ‘crowned’ the 2018 Locals Love Us favorite teacher in the Llano area. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton
KINGSLAND — After 22 years of teaching, one thing still gets Kingsland School fourth-grade teacher Shelli Spruiell excited about coming to class.
“I love the kids,” she said. “I’m proud of them, and they make it so easy.”
Spruiell taught for 20 years at Marble Falls Independent School District before joining Kingsland School, a local charter school, two years ago. While the building has changed, Spruiell continues to inspire, motivate, and educate local children.
That’s why The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners voted her the 2018 Locals Love Us favorite teacher in the Llano area.
Her students believe she deserves the honor.
“She brags on us a lot,” student Niko Riggs said. “She makes it fun here.”
While Spruiell tries to make learning fun, she doesn’t hold back from challenging her students. Kids often think they can’t learn something, complete a more difficult project, or handle a challenging task. The limits are self-imposed and not something that’s reflective of what they can truly accomplish.
A good teacher such as Spruiell helps students break through those barriers.
“She pushes us a lot,” student Renae Arviso said. “She tries to help us reach our goals.”
Niko pointed out a chart on a wall in the classroom with a list of goals and objectives for each student.
“Every time you finish something, you put a star (by the task),” he explained. “When you reach your goal, Mrs. Spruiell gives you free time.”
Niko and the other students pointed out that “free time” isn’t just sitting around, goofing off, or napping; it’s a chance to work on other projects, use educational programs on the computer, and the like.
“Yeah, she makes us work,” Renae added, “but she makes it fun.”