Granite Shoals water department field supervisor Randy Mize is a Locals Love Us favorite city employee. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro
When Randy Mize applied for a job in the city of Granite Shoals water department, all he wanted was a chance.
“I got a call from a friend, Ricky Roe. He said, ‘You’ll have a good opportunity,’ and I’ve been here ever since,” Mize said.
That was 13 years ago, and Mize has worked his way up to field supervisor. He’s not shy about sharing what Granite Shoals and its residents mean to him.
“I love the community, I love the people,” he said. “Everybody’s been great.”
His love and enthusiasm for serving his community shows. It’s one of the reasons The Picayune Magazine readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners chose him as a 2021 Locals Love Us favorite city employee.
Mize credited one person in particular for helping him turn a job into a career: Granite Shoals Assistant City Manager Peggy Smith, who oversees much of the water department.
“She has pushed me so hard to get my water licenses and my education in water,” he said. “I give special thanks to that lady. She stuck by my side through thick and thin. If she asks me to do something, I’ll get it done.”
So far, he has earned one license and and plans to add three more in the next two years.
His commitment to his job explains why Locals Love Us voters picked him.
“I want to provide the best water to every customer out there,” Mize said.