Marble Falls Fire Rescue Capt. Coy Guenter is a 2021 Locals Love Us favorite first responder. Staff photo by Alex Copeland
Marble Falls Fire Rescue Capt. Coy Guenter’s roots in the city run deep. In fact, he can’t imagine living anywhere else. Born and raised here, he cites the lakes, the countryside, the comfortable distance from Austin, and, of course, the people as reasons why he sticks around.
“I know all the people since I’ve been here most of my life,” Guenter said. “I never met a stranger. I can talk to anybody.”
He has come to know a lot of locals over the 30 years he’s worked as a firefighter — eight as a volunteer and 22 for the city. So, it’s no surprise that The Picayune Magazine readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners chose him as a 2021 Locals Love Us favorite first responder.
In addition to the emergency response side of the job, Guenter spends a good deal of time working with the community, collecting food for local pantries, participating in the Pink Out Marble Falls
“I think the best part about the job is getting to help the community, to help people in need,” he said. “We do a lot of community outreach. That’s kind of my forte. Just being in the community. It doesn’t have to be a fire call.”
When asked what it feels like to be recognized through Locals Love Us, he joked that at least one person voted for him.
“It’s great,” he said. “It’s nice to be recognized for some of the things you do for the community. You don’t do it for the recognition, but it’s nice to have that every once in a while.”