Granite Shoals Police Officer Chad Taliaferro is a 2021 Locals Love Us favorite law enforcement officer. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro
To say that Granite Shoals Police Officer Chad Taliaferro was surprised to hear he was selected as a 2021 Locals Love Us favorite law enforcement officer is an understatement.
“Very unexpected,” he said about the annual honor voted on by The Picayune Magazine readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners. “I’ve been in law enforcement for 20 years in this area and never won it before. I’ve been here a little over a year in Granite Shoals. I got into law enforcement because I wanted to help people. If you make a little difference in one life, that’s all that matters.”
Taliaferro, who followed his dad into the profession, has been with the Granite Shoals Police Department for one year after serving 10 years with the Marble Falls Police Department and another 10 years with the Burnet County Sheriff’s Office.
He chose to work in Granite Shoals department because of Chief Gary Boshears and has stayed because of the people he serves.
“The citizens love us,” Taliaferro said. “The chief says get out and get to know the citizens. Kids come up and want to shake your hand or wave at you.”
Officers visit students at Highland Lakes Elementary School daily.
He believes that interaction is why children value the local officers, which has translated into a family atmosphere in Granite Shoals.
“Here, it’s family first,” Taliaferro said. “If you need something, we’ll do everything we can to help you. I’ve never seen anything like this.”
Taliaferro said his faith has helped him stay in the profession for two decades.
“Without faith, I wouldn’t be able to do this anymore,” he said. “I’ve done 20 years. It’s hard for me to lay down and say when you’re needed the most, ‘I’m leaving.’
“All I can do is take care of myself and staff,” he added. “I took a chance (on coming to Granite Shoals). It worked out good for me. I felt this is where I need to be.”