Sal Castro of the Marble Falls Post Office was voted Best Mail Carrier in the Marble Falls area in The Picayune’s Locals Love Us contest. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro
MARBLE FALLS — “It’s time of year again?” Marble Falls Post Office mailman Sal Castro said as he was presented with the Locals Love Us award for the Marble Falls area’s favorite postal worker.
Castro has been the area’s favorite carrier for several years. In fact, he is the only worker to win this category of Locals Love Us since the The Picayune began the contest.
Still, Castro said he remains honored to receive it.
“The thrill isn’t gone,” he said with a smile.
He acknowledges he is fortunate to work with a great group of people at the post office, which is why the award is so meaningful.
He still doesn’t know why people keep voting for him, but he has several theories.
The first is because he has had the same route for 12 years, so he gets to know the people who rely on him for their mail.
Second, he makes it a point to say a hello and have a conversation with as many of those residents as possible.
And finally, for many of them, Castro might be one of the few visitors they see each day, so they look forward to getting their mail, even if it might not be news they want to read.
“I have businesses, I have homes, I have the assisted-living facilities,” he said. “They see me, and I have a good attitude.”
Castro, who has been a carrier since 1985, said he has about three years left before he’s eligible to retire. Until then, he plans to continue working the same route and delivering the mail to the same people.
“I appreciate them taking the time out of their day to vote for me every year,” he said. “I hope they keep on voting for me.”