Penny Mills volunteers for a number of programs and activities through First United Methodist Church of Marble Falls. She has helped with the monthly meal at St. Frederick Baptist Church for a number of years but tends to lend a hand wherever needed. That’s why The Picayune readers selected her as Best Volunteer in the Marble Falls area in this year’s Locals Love Us awards. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton
MARBLE FALLS — When it comes to volunteering, Penny Mills has only one reason for doing it.
“I just like to help people,” she said.
It’s really that simple. Her generosity of giving her own time up to help people and organizations is one of the reasons The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners selected her as the Best Volunteer in the Marble Falls area in the Locals Love Us awards.
“It’s quite an honor, but I don’t do it for that. I think it’s just important to give back, do things for others,” she said.
Mills does a lot of volunteering through First United Methodist Church, 1101 Bluebonnet Drive.
For the past several years or so, FUMC has helped St. Frederick Baptist Church with regular weekend meals. While St. Frederick members handle the bulk of the meals, FUMC steps in the fourth Saturday of the month to provide the food.
“The year, we started taking a second weekend as well,” Mills said.
Mills also volunteers with Open Door Recovery House in Marble Falls. The program provides faith-based, residential alcohol and drug recovery services for women. One of the toughest challenges women trying to shake the destructive habit faces is finding a place to get away from the environment that fosters those habits.
Open Door Recovery House not only gives women a place to stay and a program to get off drugs but also equips them with skills they need to get jobs, manage a home, or pursue their education. Where Mills helps is teaching the women how to set a budget.
“A lot of them just don’t understand how a budget works or how to set one up,” Mills said. “I might just show them the Dave Ramsey envelope method, but when they see how it works and what it can do for them, well, they’re just so amazed.”
Go to opendoorrecovery.net for more information on the program or how to volunteer.
The volunteerism is a family affair as well. Her husband, Greg, helps with the local Habitat for Humanity group.
“It’s just something we do,” Penny Mills said. “It’s about helping others. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do?”