Doris Graeter loves the work she does for the Hill Country Children’s Advocacy Center on behalf of youth. For her efforts, The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners selected her as the 2015 Locals Love Us favorite Burnet-area volunteer. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton
BURNET — When it comes to volunteering, Doris Graeter has a philosophy.
“It’s good for anybody to give back,” she said. “It’s part of our responsibility to give back to the community we live in.”
And it’s not just her philosophy. Graeter lives it.
In the Burnet area, if there’s a cause, there’s a good chance Graeter has helped out with it. Of course, there are a few that remain close to her heart.
“The Boys & Girls Club has always been something I’ve felt particularly strong about,” she said.
Graeter was one of the people who championed for the Burnet unit of the Boys & Girls Club of the Highland Lakes. She knows as the demand of the program’s services grow, so will the need for the support her and others.
But that’s only part of Graeter’s commitment. She’s a regular volunteer with the Burnet Bluebonnet Festival, local barbecue events, the tractor pull and other events and programs.
“Just about wherever I’m needed,” she said.
For her dedication to the community, The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners selected Graeter as the 2015 Locals Love Us favorite Burnet-area volunteer.