Don’t stress about expenses after an accident. Hire a reputable personal injury lawyer to get the settlement you deserve.
The goal of an insurance company in the case of an accident injury is to not accept liability. In the case of an auto accident, hire a personal injury attorney who is just as aggressive in proving his or her client is the victim of an accident, not the cause.
A good and reputable attorney will fight to obtain the best settlement possible. You are entitled to more than property damage, lost wages, and medical bills. You are also due compensation for future damages, mental anguish, pain, and suffering.
A personal injury attorney works with clients who were in an accident. The attorney argues the claim against an insurance company using medical records, physical damages, witnesses, and other evidence to strengthen the case.
If you are unsure if you need to hire a personal injury lawyer, it never hurts to have a consultation before making the final decision. Even with fender-benders, a local attorney will be able to tell you the strengths and weaknesses of any potential case.
Don’t balk at hiring an attorney because of potential fees. Many personal injury cases are taken on a contingency-fee basis. This means your attorney only takes a fee if you win. On average, lawyers take 33 percent of the settlement, which means your attorney will hand you a check rather than a bill.
To find a reputable personal injury lawyer, research local attorneys, which you can find right here on the Highland Lakes Legal Guide. Meet with the attorney in person and ask about his or her volume of cases. If it’s low, your case will get more personal attention.
We recommend taking a look at our Legal Guide to find the best personal injury lawyer near you.