The Burnet County Rodeo continues to be a crowd pleaser. It was again voted the Locals Love Us favorite community event in the Burnet area by The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners. File photo
BURNET — From a new kind of bronc riding event and humorous “barrel men” to a live concert and an affordable entrance fee, the Burnet County Rodeo is considered one of the best local events running —and riding.
“People committed to it, such as myself, love rodeo, love to see it continue,” rodeo chairman Brent Nichols said. “We try to make it affordable and add something new every year, new entertainment, new events.”
As a result, The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners voted it their favorite community event in the Burnet area in the 2018 Locals Love Us awards.
The rodeo, which is a CPRA- and UPRA-sanctioned event, is held at the Burnet County Fairgrounds, 1301 Houston Clinton Drive, just off U.S. 281 in Burnet.
At the 51st annual event last year, organizers launched the new saddle bronc competition.
“The crowd loved it. They hollered and screamed more than they have in any other event,” Nichols said. “It’s kind of a showman feel. They really play it up.”
The competition involves athletes dressing up and combining skill with showmanship to give the crowd a little extra entertainment.
“It’s usually a heckuva wreck at the end, but these fellows can really ride. We’re going to do it again this year,” he added. “We also bring good entertainment to the dance every year.”
The 52nd annual Burnet County Rodeo is May 11-12 with pre-events such as the team roping preliminaries on May 9 and slack on May 10. Riders will compete for prizes and buckles.
Admission is $10 per person.
“We make it entertaining, fun, and cost-affordable,” Nichols said
To find out more, donate, or volunteer check out the group’s Facebook page or call Nichols at (512) 663-2856.
View our Highland Lakes Rodeos guide for more local events.