Bobby Kinard, Gennie Ward, Jim Chapman, Teresa Gray, Betty Hall, Jim Hartwell, Ron Hall, and Jay Ward with a camper volunteering at an annual Lions Camp in Kerrville during a cleanup event in 2017. Courtesy photo
KINGSLAND — A child-focused philosophy, community support, and volunteer service have cultivated the Kingsland Lions Club's accomplishments over the years, according to its leadership.
“It’s the volunteers, the activities, the friendship. We are kind of family,” club president Era Marion said. “We are children-focused because what we can teach them when they’re little will make them better adults.”
As a result of their beneficial activities, the Kingsland Lions Club was voted the 2018 Locals Love Us favorite club/organization in the Llano area by The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners.
“Every year, we try to add something, change something,” Marion said.
The Kingsland Lions Club meets Thursdays at the Lighthouse Country Club, 118 Club Circle Drive, a venue selected three years ago to provide more space for projects and planning sessions.
“We contribute to more than two dozen charities,” Marion said.
Each year, charitable giving reaches nearly $20,000, providing critical dollars for local programs and resources.
“We’re the most proud of our twice-a-year pancake breakfast. We generally serve over 700 people each time,” Marion said of the events held on Easter and Labor Day. “The proceeds benefit all of our Lions charities, ranging from Backpack Buddies to Hill Country Children’s Advocacy Center, Meals on Wheels, Share the Harvest (food pantry), Lions Camp in Kerrville.”
Club members also volunteer their time each year to provide eyesight screenings for students at Packsaddle Elementary School in Kingsland.
“It will enhance their education, their life,” she said about good vision. “They’re going to be our leaders one day.”
The nonprofit organization’s effort to boost membership has resulted in a broader impact and more support from the community.
Membership has grown to 103.
“We grew fifteen years ago by adding women to the club. We are shooting for a thirty-five percent female membership,” Marion said. “Now, we have husbands and wives in the organization.”
Volunteers keep activities fresh and inspired to nurture local support.
“The community, if we’re out ringing bells, they will go out of their way to stop and put a donation in the bucket,” she said.
To find out more, volunteer, or donate, email era.marion@co.llano.tx.us or call (512) 793-2016.