Debbie Payne was voted the 2018 Locals Love Us favorite postal worker in the Llano area by The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro
KINGSLAND — Spend a few minutes at the Kingsland Post Office, and you’ll understand why Debbie Payne was voted the 2018 Locals Love Us favorite postal worker in the Llano area by The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners.
One customer needed stamps for postcards made from photos she took during her trip to Alaska.
“See the Northern Lights?” she pointed out to Payne, who turned the card around to show others waiting in line.
Another was sending a package to the West Coast, and Payne asked the customer if they wanted to put the contents into a smaller U.S. Postal Service box.
“The reason is because that smaller box will only cost about $19,” Payne said. “By keeping the contents in this box, you’ll pay $37.”
Then, there were the customers who simply came in to give Payne a “hard” time, such as the one who teasingly said he was unhappy he couldn’t get a roll of stamps because the post office was out or another who was given two halves to form a complete book of stamps as opposed to getting an attached book.
Payne happily showed them her Locals Love Us sticker.
“I don’t think I’ve ever won anything before,” she said.
Like most employees, Payne confessed she sometimes experiences frustrating days, but all of that goes away when she sees the customers.
“They’re so sweet,” she said. “You’re beginning to know them and know about them,” she said. “It’s a caring community, and I like the small-town feel.”
Payne said she wants to ensure people save money. That’s why she makes suggestions about using U.S. Postal Service boxes.
“If they can get more bang for their buck, they’ll mail more things,” she said. “If they can get a good deal, they’ll be repeat customers. That’s how I am. Customers like to have options.”
The traits of a great postal worker include friendliness and caring, she said.
“Even when you’re having a bad day, don’t let it show,” Payne said. “People have enough trouble without feeling ours. I want them leaving here feeling valued and special.”
She noted that when she first started her job, she encountered people who let it be known they’d rather be anywhere but standing in a post office, so she made it a point to make them smile.
“Now, we’re best buds. If I can make them smile, it makes my day,” she said. “I like the people I work with. I like the customers, even the cranky ones.”
Before she turned to help the next person in line, Payne wanted to make sure she sent a message to the voters.
“Thank you everyone who voted for me,” she said. “That’s so sweet. It makes me humble.”