Rotary Club of Marble Falls president Bruce Jackson believes it’s the organization’s commitment to the community both financially and through ‘hands-on’ support that keeps the noon Rotary group thriving. That also could be the reason why The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners voted the Rotary Club of Marble Falls their Locals Love Us favorite organization in the Marble Falls area. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton
MARBLE FALLS — As Bruce Jackson named off all the activities in which the Rotary Club of Marble Falls (Noon) is involved and the different organizations and projects members support, the list kept growing. However, he couldn’t spend much more time going over all the things the club does for the community because he had to get the regular Thursday meeting started.
“We primarily raise money that supports the community,” said Jackson, who is the president of the Rotary Club of Marble Falls. “Some of the money we raise goes to international and national projects, but most of it stays right here in the community to make a difference.”
While Rotary Club membership has dipped nationally, the Marble Falls Rotarians show no sign of following that trend.
“We keep it fun,” Jackson added. He pointed out that the club also gets involved in the community through a number of hands-on projects, so members see the difference they are making. “It’s a great group of people.”
The group’s commitment to the community is a big reason why The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners voted the Rotary Club of Marble Falls (Noon) as their 2018 Locals Love Us favorite club/organization in the Marble Falls area.
“This is a nice honor,” Jackson said.
During a recent lunch meeting of the group, it’s clear this Rotary Club has the people who can, and do, make a difference in the community. Many are business and city leaders, and most of them are active in the community beyond Rotary itself. Jackson pointed out that you’ll find these same men and women involved in their churches, the schools, and other community organizations.
“Everyone here gives back to the community,” he added. “Not necessarily because they’re in Rotary, but because that’s just the type of people they are.”
The Rotary Club of Marble Falls meets at noon Thursdays at River City Grille, 700 First St. in Marble Falls. Go to marblefallsrotary.org for more information.