Llano County Precinct 3 Justice of the Peace Chief Clerk Debra Edwards keeps the office moving with a good helping of compassion and a mix of humor. The office staff, including Precinct 3 Justice of the Peace Era Marion and part-time Clerk Stephanie Gonzales, works well together with the mission of serving the public. The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners picked Edwards as their Locals Love Us favorite city/county employee in the Kingsland area. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton
When people step into the Llano County Precinct 3 justice of the peace office, they aren’t always in a good mood. After all, they might be there regarding a traffic ticket, a misdemeanor charge, or a civil matter.
It’s not exactly the best of circumstances.
The justice of the peace staff, including Judge Era Marion, Chief Clerk Debra Edwards, and part-time Clerk Stephanie Gonzales, does their best to help the public through tough situations. Edwards knows her role is helping ensure the office runs smoothly, but she also believes it’s important to assist each person who walks through the door, no matter the circumstances, as best she can.
“People come in here upset because they got a citation or they’re being sued,” Edwards said. “What we do is all about helping them through the process.”
Her ability to help is a big reason The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners picked her as their Locals Love Us favorite county/city employee in the Kingsland area.
“I just enjoy working with the public,” she said. “And this is such a great office. We enjoy working with each other.”
The staff’s rapport is apparent if you spend any amount of time around them. They laugh, joke, and tease each other, but all in fun.
When it comes to their professional roles, the Llano County Precinct 3 justice of the peace staff are all about serving the public. Edwards knows some of the people coming into the office face criminal charges or other serious issues, but she doesn’t judge them by their situation.
Edwards just sees them as people who need some help.
To her, there’s no greater calling.
“It’s just self-rewarding being able to help people,” Edwards added.