Kingsland Lions Club members were so touched to be named as the Locals Love Us favorite club/organization in the Kingsland area that they all wanted to be in the photo. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro
“If it’s to be, let it be me.”
That quote sums up Dave Richison’s approach to coordinating the Kingsland Lions Club's flood relief efforts in the community.
It came from a friend who served as president of the national Lions USA organization.
It also serves as a rallying cry for Richison and other Kingsland Lions Club members, who went door to door helping to clean up and accepted donations of supplies and money in an effort to get neighbors on the road to recovery after October floodwaters damaged homes and businesses.
Richison said members are simply carrying out the club's motto: "We Serve."
“Our primary purpose is to be a service to the community,” he said. “And being in the community here, we’re purposely involved with working with people who had to leave their houses. It makes it personal to you.”
That commitment to helping flood victims as well as other charitable endeavors in the community is why The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners selected the Kingsland Lions Club as their favorite Locals Love Us club/organization in the Kingsland area.
“It feels darn good,” said Jim Chapman, past president of the local chapter and the vision coordinator for the 50-club district, about receiving the honor.
Chapman leads the club’s efforts in collecting donated eyewear to distribute to those who need them but can’t afford them.
He noted that the Kingsland Lions Club works with about 20 charities, serving the community in a number of ways. Members help send area children to the Texas Lions Camp, a summer camp for kids with physical disabilities, as well as support the efforts of the American Cancer Society, the Salvation Army, the Kingsland-area Meals on Wheels, and other nonprofits.
“When we give away our time, we get something back in return: having made a difference in the world,” Richison said.
Along with the nonprofits, Kingsland Lions Club members have been doing all they can to help their neighbors affected by the flood.
“It took a day to destroy all this and (will take) literally years to put it back to where it was before,” Richison said. “… (The flood victims) know somebody cares, they’re not alone. … We want to encourage them and help them. We want to make their lives better.”