A spectacular fireworks show over the RM 2900 bridge in Kingsland can be viewed by land or water. The show is just one part of the annual AquaBoom. Photo by Mark Stracke
AquaBoom celebrated 50 years in 2019, and you don't stick around for five decades without doing something right.
The Picayune Magazine readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners agree. They voted the Fourth of July celebration in Kingsland their Locals Love Us favorite community event.
And it truly is a community event, according to Wendy Taylor, president of AquaBoom Parks Development and Community Outreach Corporation, which organizes the festival.
“(AquaBoom) encompasses so many events," she said. "There is something for everybody. I don’t care what you like to do, there is something for everyone.”
The celebration includes land and boat parades, live music, children's activities, a pageant, and a spectacular fireworks show.
AquaBoom is enjoyed by residents and visitors alike.
“We’re getting more (visitors),” Taylor said.
They’re bringing their boats and their loved ones to Kingsland for several days of fun on Lake LBJ, shopping, eating, and dancing, she added.
Taylor is in her sixth year as president of the organization behind AquaBoom.
“It’s a labor of love, that’s for sure,” she said.
She and her team began working on the 50th anniversary celebration two years earlier.
“It’s probably the best year I experienced,” she said of the 2019 event. “The extra effort to make the fiftieth so much better, it’s still amazing to me that it went off as amazing as it did.”
The 2020 AquaBoom is July 3-5. The pageant is June 20.
“I’m hoping the fifty-first will be as successful and run as smoothly,” Taylor said. “We already have plans in place for the next year before the current year takes place.”