The Picayune Magazine readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners voted Kingsland School’s Heather Darilek their favorite Locals Love Us receptionist in the Kingsland/Llano area. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton
When someone walks into Kingsland School with a question or looking for their student, they usually find Heather Darilek waiting to assist. If a student comes wandering into the office with a minor injury or just in need of a smile, Darilek is there for them.
“I’m the registrar, nurse, receptionist, whatever they need,” she said with a grin. Anyone who knows much about schools, especially smaller campuses like the public charter school, understands the importance of the person sitting at the reception window.
Darilek only joined the staff in February 2019, but students, staff, and parents have noticed her work and dedication. The Picayune Magazine readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners chose her as their Locals Love Us favorite receptionist in the Kingsland/Llano area.
“This is so exciting,” she said about the honor.
As Kingsland School’s receptionist and registrar, Darilek doesn't get much of a break. Even during her lunch, she’s tuned in for someone coming through the front door.
While Darilek joined the staff last year, she’s been a member of the Kingsland School family since it opened its doors in 2016. Both of her children have attended since the school opened. Her son is in middle school; her daughter is in elementary. Her daughter will be in the first class to make its way through Kingsland School from kindergarten to high school.
Before joining the staff, Darilek was an active member of the parent-teacher organization. She brings institutional knowledge to the job as well as an awareness of what it’s like having students in class.
When she told her son she was getting a job with Kingsland School, he was excited until Darilek told him she’d see him every day at school and know exactly what he was doing. His excitement faded, she noted, but it’s all worked out.
“I love working here,” Darilek said. “I love the staff. I love the students. I love our families. (Principal Meloni) Puishes is a great boss. This is a job I look forward to every day.”