Burnet-area volunteer Erica Crist is a 2016 Locals Love Us winner. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton
BURNET — When Erica Crist leads a fitness class at First Baptist Church of Burnet, she may not get everybody up on their feet. That’s because her class is called “Don’t Stop Moving, Sit and Be Fit.”
“It’s more for seniors,” she said. “But the idea is to give them a chance to keep moving. We start with things they can do right in their chair.”
Crist, who teaches at the R.J. Richey Elementary School’s ACE Program, leads the senior adult health program twice a week at the church. It’s just one of the many volunteer roles she takes on around the community, including helping at her daughters’ schools or assisting in organizing the annual cystic fibrosis walk in April.
“My heart just goes out to people,” she said regarding one of her motivations for volunteering.
And it’s something The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners have noticed. They voted Crist as the 2016 Locals Love Us favorite volunteer for the Burnet area.
Honors or not, Crist would always find a way to help.
As far as she can remember, when she saw someone or a cause she supported needing help, she would jump in.
The “Don’t Stop Moving, Sit and Be Fit” classes are among some of her favorite volunteer efforts. It’s a chance to help many senior adults to not only stay active but also regain some of the physical activity they might have lost over the years.
She starts each participant at a level with which they’re comfortable. But as they get moving, Crist has seen many resume a much more active life.
“I love to see them be able make progress and do things that they haven’t been able to do for several years,” she said.
With two daughters in Burnet schools, Crist also lends a hand on their campuses whenever she can. As her oldest daughter moves to the high school next year and band, Crist foresees even more involvement there as well.
One of her current volunteer projects includes helping with the 2016 Burnet Cystic Fibrosis Walk on April 2 at Haley Nelson Park in Burnet. Go to fightcf.cff.org and click on “Find a Walk/Team” and enter “Burnet” or the local ZIP code to find out how you can get involved.
“Volunteering is a great way to make a difference in the community and in other people’s lives,” Crist added.