KINGSLAND — Several months ago, members of the Packsaddle Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization realized their children were missing a valuable part of their education: a functioning playground on campus.
So they decided to raise money to repair and clean up the existing one to make it useful once more for families.
As a result, residents have been able to take their kids to the park to enjoy a day of fun. And they now have a precious possession that is the Locals Love Us favorite park in the Kingsland area as chosen by The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners.
While getting the distinction is great, the PTO and volunteers simply wanted a place families and friends could come together and play.
“We got together at the beginning of the year and tried to do things for the kids,” said PTO treasurer Kristina Bailey. “Kids really love a place to go play.”
So the PTO raised money and received donations from area hardware stores to improve the park and even added a dog-on-ball pit.
“They love it,” Bailey said. “We painted, redid some boards and landscaping.”
And equally important, she added, members of the community came to the park to help. As a result, fourth-graders sent thank-you letters to the volunteers.
“It made us feel good to give back,” Bailey said.
Volunteers go to the park each Monday morning to pick up trash and clean it from the weekend’s use, the treasurer said.
And the PTO would like to add other features such as barbecue pits and miniature baseball and football fields in the future, she said. Those items, however, require more fundraisers.
Still, considering all the work the PTO and residents have already done, it’s only a matter of time until those components are added.
Bailey is confident it will happen.
“To me, it means (residents) are behind us,” the treasurer said. “They’re going to be there to help. They care about the community as much as we do and (want to) have a fun and safe place to play.”