KINGSLAND — With about 20 years in public education, Packsaddle Elementary School receptionist Regina Beauchamp is no stranger to life in the front office.
But she admitted to being surprised when she learned The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners selected her as the 2016 Locals Love Us favorite receptionist in the Kingsland area. It’s not because Beauchamp doesn’t have the experience to garner such an honor, it’s because of her relative newness to the Kingsland area and the Packsaddle Elementary campus.
“I was quite surprised by it,” she said. “I’m not from here.”
Beauchamp has lived in the Kingsland area for a couple of years, but before that time, she worked 17½ years at Medina Independent School District.
“Everybody there knew me, but here, I don’t think that many people know who I am,” she said.
Her warm greeting and friendly way about her as the Packsaddle Elementary receptionist must have made a great impression on folks as they step into the office. Beauchamp, however, downplayed her role in comparison to the teachers.
“Now their job is very challenging,” Beauchamp said. “The teachers work so hard. And they have so much they are responsible for that I don’t think a lot of people realize.”
Still, for many parents and community members, the first person they see when they step into the front office of Packsaddle Elementary School is Beauchamp. Often, the receptionist can really set the tone for that person's experience.
Receptionists such as Beauchamp don’t always get the appreciation they deserve, but The Picayune readers and KBEY listeners want to correct that with this Locals Love Us award.
“I love this job,” Beauchamp said. “It lets me be a part of the school and see the kids every day. It’s just great. I’m just so surprised that I got this award. I really never expected it.”
So congratulations to Regina Beauchamp for being such a great receptionist and an asset to Packsaddle Elementary and the community.