These are the answers to a few of the most-asked questions we receive. If you ever have a question for us, please know we LOVE to hear from you … so just ask!
Send a question to news@101highlandlakes.com.
Q: I just signed up for the 101HighlandLakes.com email list. What can I expect?
A: Thank you for signing up! You can expect an email every Wednesday and Friday with our latest stories from 101HighlandLakes.com. That includes stories about upcoming events, interesting people, local happenings, and what’s new. Our stories highlight the people, places, and fun things of Highland Lakes region for locals and visitors.
Q: So, I’ve got a fantastic idea for an article .. who do I tell and how do I tell them?
A: Awesome! We love to hear your ideas – simply email us at news@101highlandlakes.com to tell us about it. If you don’t do email, give us a call at 830-693-7152 and leave your idea for the editor.
Q: My group is having a (meeting, event, etc.). How do I get that in The Picayune … for FREE?
A: We have the perfect place in The Picayune — it’s The Chatter Box!
We accept listings from nonprofit groups as well as for free events and those with admission/registration costs that support charities. We also accept club/group/organization meeting information.
Please submit time and date of event as well as any costs and the address where the event is taking place. And yes, it’s FREE! Email your info to chatterbox@thepicayune.com.
Q: Great! Now, how do I also get it to the online Events Calendar at 101HighlandLakes.com?
A: First, if you submit an item to the Chatter Box, it will also be placed on the 101HighlandLakes.com Events Calendar.
Or, if you want to submit other events online, you can follow these steps:
Go to 101HighlandLakes.com
Click on the Events tab at the top of the page
Click the long, orange bar that says “Click Here To Submit Your Event”
Fill out the online form and submit.
Your event will show up on the Events Calendar shortly after we receive and approve it.
If you have any — yes ANY — other questions for us, please feel free to ask. We really are pretty helpful.
Q: I live in the Highland Lakes, but am not getting The Picayune delivered to my home. How do I get on “the list?”
A: Easy! Give the very nice ladies in our front office a call. You can reach them at 830-693-7152. Tell them you want the paper and give them your address .. and as always, it’s still FREE.