Spicewood Elementary School Principal Leslie Baty reads a Christmas story to several students on the campus’ last day if class before Christmas break. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton
SPICEWOOD — A quick visit with Spicewood Elementary School principal Leslie Baty will make you wish you could go back to kindergarten and start all over.
Baty’s upbeat attitude gets you excited about learning, education and school.
As the campus leader for the Spicewood school, Baty helps set the tone of the staff and students. And it’s a good tone. Who hasn’t been feeling a bit down but then walking across campus hearing call your name and smiling at you all of a sudden felt better.
With her leadership and personal commitment to each child, family and staff member, Baty has continued to help the campus excel. She’s helped encourage the use of technology in the classroom — not as the “latest thing” but as a true educational tool.
In a day when education seems somewhat impersonal thanks to rules and requirements set from the state and federal levels, Baty and educators like her personify how teaching really happens — in the classroom with individual attention and a focus on each child’s needs.
And Baty is the first person to say the campus’ success isn’t because of her, but because of the dedicated staff, the hardworking students and supportive parents.
Whether she’s meeting a student or parent for the first time or has known the family since the child started school as a kindergartener, Baty makes sure everybody feels important on the Spicewood campus.
For her hard work and support, The Picayune readers and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune listeners voted her the 2015 Locals Love Us favorite Marble Falls-area school administrator.
Congratulations Leslie Baty.