Sunset Point RV Park on Lake LBJ outside of Marble Falls. Courtesy photo
The hardest part RVing in the Highland Lakes is deciding where to stay and what to do — and that’s because there are so many great options.
Here are some RV spots in the Highland Lakes:
Badu Park, 300 Legion Drive in Llano. Go to cityofllano.com or call 325-247-4158.
Beachcomber Park, 8138 RR 261 in Buchanan Dam. Go to lakebuchananrv.com or call 325-379-3083.
Bent Tree RV Ranch, 10280 U.S. 281 South in Lampasas. Go to benttreerv281.com or call 512-564-9869.
Black Rock Park, 3400 Texas 261 in Buchanan Dam. Go to lcra.org/parks/black-rock-park or call 512-369-4774.
Blanco Settlement Country Cabins and RV Park, 1705 RR 165 in Blanco. Go to blancosettlement.com or call 830-833-5115.
Blanco State Park, 101 Park Road 23 in Blanco. Go to tpwd.texas.gov/state-parks/blanco or call 830-833-4333.
Bluebonnet Cove Casitas and RV Park, 108 Rhodesend in Buchanan Dam. Go to bluebonnetcove.com or call 512-981-5253.
Bullfrog Cove at Twin Isles RV Park, 630 CR 126 in Kingsland. Go to bullfrogcove.com or call 830-498-2080.
Canyon of the Eagles Nature Park and Resort, 16942 RR 2341 in Burnet. Go to canyonoftheeagles.com or call 800-977-0081 or 512-334-2070.
Cedar Lodge Waterfront Resort, 1400 RR 261 in Buchanan Dam. Go to cedarlodgetexas.com or call 512-793-2820.
Cedar Stays RV Park, 3380 RR 1431 East in Marble Falls. Go to cedar-stays-rv-park.business.site or call 512-783-8191.
Coldwater Creek RV Park, 11700 RR 1431 in Smithwick about 11 miles east of Marble Falls. Go to coldwatercreekrvpark.com or call 512-789-8992.
Container City at Spider Mountain, 570 CR 133 in Burnet. Go to containercitytx.com.
Edgewater Resort, 224 S. Winding Way in Buchanan Dam. Call 512-793-2818.
Fishers of Men Ranch, 6046 RR 1431 East in Marble Falls. Go to facebook.com/fishersofmenranch or call 432-934-7810.
Freedom Lives Ranch RV Resort, 9606 RR 1431 West in Buchanan Dam. Go to freedomlivesranchrvresort.com or call 512-793-2171.
Granite Rock RV Park, 1015 Davis St. in Kingsland. Go to www.graniterockrvpark.com or call 325-388-8900.
Heart of Texas Lake Resort, 408 Clen Oak Parkway in Burnet. Go to heartoftexaslakeresort.com or call 512-756-7766.
Hidden Falls Adventure Park, 7030 RR 1431 East in Smithwick. Go to hiddenfallsadventurepark.com or call 830-798-9820.
Hill Country Lakes RV Campground, 102 Pace Bend Road South in Spicewood. Go to hillcountrylakesrv.com or call 512-698-3052.
Hitching Post RV Park, 1620 CR 124 in Marble Falls. Go to rvhitchingpost.com or call 830-613-1357.
Hofbrau RV Park, 102 Alpine Drive off of U.S. 281 in Round Mountain, 7 miles south of Marble Falls. Go to hofbrau-rvpark.com or call 830-596-2073.
Inks Lake RV Park, 6161 Texas 29 West in Burnet. Call 512-756-0101.
Inks Lake State Park, 3630 Park Road 4 West near Burnet and 6 miles west of U.S. 281. Go to tpwd.texas.gov/state-parks/inks-lake or call 512-793-2223. For reservations, call 512-389-8900.
Kingsland Slab RV Camp, 7300 River Oaks Drive in Kingsland. (You can even pan for gold here.) Go to kingslandslabrvcamp.com or call 888-877-3212.
Krause Springs, 404 Krause Springs Road in Spicewood off of Texas 71. Go to krausesprings.net or call 830-693-4181.
Lake Buchanan RV and Cabin Resort, 1420 FM 690 in Burnet. Go to lakebuchananrvresort.com or call 512-793-4746.
Lazy Rayzz RV Park, 8736 RR 1431 West in Buchanan Dam. Go to lazyrayzzrvpark.com or call 325-248-8955.
Llanorado Lodge, 223 RR 1431 in Kingsland. Go to highlandlakes.com/llanorado or call 325-388-4823.
Llano River Golf Course and RV Park, located 2 miles west of Llano on RR 152 next to Robinson City Park. Go to cityofllano.com or call 325-247-4158 ext. 202.
Lone Star RV Park, 118 Starhorn Road in Marble Falls. Go to rvparkmarblefalls.com or call 830-613-7789.
Marble Falls RV Park, 1740 CR 401 North in Marble Falls. Go to marblefallsrvpark.com or call 830-613-9087.
Lucky Horseshoe RV Park, 347 CR 268 in Bertram. Go to luckyhorseshoerv.com or call 512-740-8274.
Miller Creek RV Resort, 5618 U.S. 281, 5 miles south of Johnson City. Go to millercreekrvresort.com or call 877-868-2622.
North Point Landing RV Park, 160 Northpoint Landing in Kingsland. Go to lighthousecountryclub.com/rv-park or call 325-423-1201.
Open Air Resorts, 25928 Haynie Flat Road in Spicewood. Go to openairrv.com or call 512-559-4284.
Oxford Ranch Campground, 11380 Texas 16 South in Llano. Check out its Facebook page or call 325-247-1639.
Paleface Point RV Park, 209 Paleface Point Drive in Spicewood. Go to palefacepointrvpark.wixsite.com/paleface-point-rv- or call 713-419-6676.
Patriot RV Parks-Bertram, 900 Brook Mill Road in Bertram. Go to patriotrvparks.com or call 737-289-0078.
Patriot RV Parks-Bertram South, 1329 RR 1174 South in Bertram. Go to patriotrvparks.com or call 737-289-0078.
Patriot RV Parks-Burnet, 3600 U.S. 281 North in Burnet. Go to patriotrvparks.com or call 512-588-2899.
Peach Valley RV, 12992 U.S. 281 North in Round Mountain. Go to peachvalley-rvandstorage.com or call 830-798-4004.
Pedernales Falls State Park, 2585 Park Road 6026 in Johnson City. Go to tpwd.texas.gov/state-parks/pedernales-falls or call 830-868-7304.
Poppy's Pointe Resort, 400 Emerald Circle in Buchanan Dam. Go to poppyspointe.com or call 512-793- 3922.
Red Barn Ranch RV Park, 890 U.S. 183 in Briggs/Florence. Go to redbarnapartments.com or call 512-635-4253.
Rio Vista Resort, 234 Rio Vista Drive in Kingsland. Go to riovistaresorttx.com or call 325-388-6331 or 800-846-1864.
Riverside Oaks RV Park, 6142 CR 258 in Bertram. Go to texasrvranch.com or call 512-800-0628.
River View RV Park, 200 Old River Road in Marble Falls. Go to touringtexas.com/riverview or call 830-693-3910.
Riverway RV Park, 1907 RR 152 West in Llano. Go to facebook.com/riverwayrvpark or call 325-247-2152.
Roadrunner RV Park, 501 U.S. 281 South in Johnson City. Go to roadrunnerrvparktexas.com or call 830-868-7449.
Shady Oaks RV Park, 350 Inks Dam Road in Buchanan Dam. Go to shadyoaks-rvpark.com or call 512-793-2718.
Shilo RV Village, 110 CR 304 in Bertram. Go to shilorv.com or call 512-715-0722.
Sun and Moon RV Parks, 5040 RR 1431 in Marble Falls. Go to sunandmoonrvparks.com or call 512-789-6873.
Sunset Point on Lake LBJ, 2322 N. Wirtz Dam Road on Lake LBJ. Go to sunsetpointlbj.com or call 830-798-8199.
Texas Hill RV Haven, 111 Willow Shores Drive in Tow. Go to texashillsrvhaven.com or call 325-379-1119.
Two Rooster Ranch RV Park, 1351 FM 1980 in Marble Falls. Go to tworoosterranchrv.net or call 830-220-9121.
Valentine Lakeside, 814 Euel Moore Drive in Kingsland. Go to valentinelakeside.com or call 325-388-4418.
YMCA of the Highland Lakes at Galloway-Hammond, 1601 S. Water St. (U.S. 281) in Burnet. Go to ymcagwc.org or call 512-756-6180.
Z-Ranch RV, 131 Zurita Trail in Marble Falls. Go to zranchrv.com or text 512-994-0273.